Microbes and the Immune System

Exert from a talk given by Dr Raymond B Cadwell during the Practitioner Foundation Training in November 2018

Why do some people manifest symptoms from an infection and others not?    For example, 150 passengers travel in an aeroplane from Dublin to London and a 1/5 of them pick up flu symptoms whereas the rest of the passengers show no manifestations of flu.

To explain this, Dr Klinghardt, has introduced the concept of biomagnetic resonance. 

His hypothesis is that as soon as a virus or any other microbe like a bacteria or a parasite which is new to the immune system enters the body it immediately sends out a biomagnetic pulse/signal which is experienced and picked up by other similar microbes in the body.  For example, all influenza viruses have a particular energetic signals and a messaging capability.  When they enter the body, they send out these messages and when these messages are picked up and  responded to by existing influenza viruses within the body, then that particular virus does not become pathogenic. 

On the other hand, when such a virus enters the body and finds no biomagnetic response to its messaging then it becomes pathogenic.

This can be regarded as a secondary dimension of the immune system, the primary immune system creating antibodies etc 

Non-pathogenic bacteria or good bacteria have the capability of sending a biomagnetic pulse in the direction of new bacterial and viral infections which depolarise them and which harmonise them with the existing microbes of the body.

What is a non-pathogenic bacteria?

We believe that a non-pathogenic bacteria is one, which is in harmony with the biomagnetic field of the body or of the particular organ, i.e. the stomach or the colon where it resides.  When this imbalance is disrupted for any reason then the microbes will have a tendency towards pathology. 

All of this rests on the scientifically proven conclusion that good bacteria form an important part of our immune system and are constantly seeking to balance any pathologies in any microbes be they new or old in the body. 

Immune System Cells

Leukocytes (white blood cells or immune system cells) involved in defending the body against infectious disease and other foreign materials.  Five different types of leukocytes exist, all produced and derived from  stem cells.  The  leukocytes include phagocytes, mast cells, eosinophils, basophils and natural killer cells.  These cells identify and eliminate pathogens and are important mediators in the activation of the adaptive immune system. 

Neutrophils and Macrophages are phagocytes that travel throughout the body in pursuit of invading microbes and pathogens.  Neutrophils are normally found in the blood stream and are the most abundant type of phagocytes.  During an acute phase of inflammation, neutrophils migrate towards the site of inflammation and are usually the first cell to arrive on the scene of an infection. 

Macrophages reside within the tissues and produce a wide range of chemicals.  They are useful scavengers and are able to rid the body of worn out cells and other debris especially microbes which have died. 

The cells of the adaptive immune system are special types of leukocytes called Lymphocytes. B Cells and T cells are the major types of lymphocytes and are derived from the bone marrow.   

It is our hypothesis that immune cells combined with balanced microbes, bacteria, virus etc colloborate with each other to form a very strong immune system.  In effect, if we take all the cells of the immune system and combine them with the cells of the microbes that makes up the immune system, the total regulation of the body and its protection.  We see that these aspects of the immune system operate in harmony. 

So in the case of a tumour we can see that the natural killer cells will target the cells in the tumour for elimination. 

However, we do know for example that the human papilloma, mycobacterium laprae to give two examples also contribute to tumoral growth.  When we use the biomagnetic force to balance these microbes and they do become balanced and this combines with the natural killer cells, the Lymphocytes, monocytes and macrophages to bring about the elimination of the pathology in the cells. 

So the ideal situation in relation to a tumour or any inflammation in the body is that we are balancing the microbes and also the immune system. 

The heart of the immune system is the thymus.   It is hypothesised that the thymus contains all of the information on immune system cells and has the capability of educating a stem cell to be a macrophage or a T lymphocyte or whatever is needed in the body. 

In the case of applied biomagnetic therapy we are not only balancing the microbes but also the (i) biomagnetic energy field of the body and (ii) directing the thymus to produce the necessary immune cells in order for the pathogenic tissue to be eliminated. 

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