Distinctive Features of the Practitioner Training

Welcome to my clinic Ballybrack Village, Co Dublin, Ireland again. Today, I am talking about the Practitioners Programme in Applied Biomagnetic Therapy, or if you will, balancing the microbes of the body. 

Balancing the microbes is a fundamental aspect of health because no amounts of supplements or chemicals will suffice if the microbes are out of balance.  So, the question is “what is distinctive about this programme?” Well if you are anything like me, I am a terrible note taker, I find sitting in lectures, hearing concepts for the first time and trying to make notes very difficult.  Therefore, in designing this programme I decided to approach it with the question – “what type of a programme would I be able to absorb and bring into practice?”

The result of that has been that the first thing about the programme is that I have designed two manuals which have everything in them that I am going to say during the programme.  To accompany these manuals we have a number of other documents which are stored on Google Drive. 

Once you enroll on the course you will have access to and download these accompanying documents onto  your computer.  You will therefore have all of the information you need to give a treatment readily available on your computer beside you as you work in your clinic.  So the great thing about the style of this programme is that if I were to redo this course as a student wouldn’t have to take any notes – what a blessing! 

Another aspect of the programme is that the training room is set up as if you are sitting in a treatment room –  you sit at a treatment table right throughout the programme and you practice, practice, practice.  So I teach by doing.  You do it first and then I explain how it works.  This is another important feature as by setting the room up as a treatment room you actually start to think and act like a therapist. 

I suppose the most important aspect of this programme, it is like an initiation.  It does try to get you across a bridge.  A bridge that goes from where you are now, of not being able to do this at all to where you can actually give an applied biomagnetic treatment to a patient.  Now that is a tall order in five days but so far I’ve had 24 people do the foundation programme and 23 of these students are now practising and have completed the Certification Programme and have graduated in March 2019.     So that to me is a sign that it works.

How do you receive the information in addition to the manuals? 

Well I give short inputs and any of them that go longer than 15 minutes I use a form of learning that means that the information is downloaded to your unconscious mind – so it is a form of unconscious learning and so that it is there to be activated when you need it – as one participant says to me during her treatments when she was practising said “I don’t know how I know this but I do”.  That is the kind of effect that we want to have with unconscious learning.

I work with the ethos that self care of the practitioner is really important. 

You and your energy cannot afford to be depleted as a practitioner.  You may work with people who may be extremely ill and you therefore need to ensure that you are in your best possible health working and living with a high energy.    We ensure to carry out a daily healing session for approximately an hour for each practitioner so that they are renewed and refreshed.  We practice what we preach which is caring for the practitioner. 

Daily Support Group

I also hold daily conversations on the topic of “what’s getting in the way of your learning”?  What are you having difficulty with”?  “What ideas or concepts are you struggling with”?

We encourage our students to tell us about their concerns and their difficulties and we work with the student(s) to resolve them.

These are some of the features of this programme which I have to say I thoroughly enjoy giving and it is inspirational for me to see how in these learning situations both the teacher and the students can go to places where they have never been before and develop a level of competency that they didn’t think was possible. 

That’s just a few items on the programme and I look forward to speaking to you more about this soon.

Thank you and bye for now.

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