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Inner Body

No matter where you’re coming from, we have a training programme for you.

Are you at a crossroads in your life and would like to help others with their health as a new career and way of making a living?

Are you already practicing in a natural health field but want to help your patients with persistent health conditions which are not yielding easily to existing treatments?

Are you already working in biomagnetism/applied biomagnetic therapy but want to deepen your knowledge and broaden your experience?

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Upcoming Programmes

No matter where you’re coming from, we have the programme for you.

Using the Magnets

Practitioners Certification in Applied Biomagnetic Therapy – Multi-Dimensional Medicine

LEVEL 1 - How to give a treatment in Applied Biomagnetic Therapy - REGISTRATION OPEN NOW for January 2023
23rd to 26th January 2023
26th - 29th June 2023
Venue: Teach Bhríde Holistic Education Centre, Tullow, Co Carlow

LEVEL 2 - Scanning the body for deep Causes  (Entry requirement: Completed this Institute's Foundation Programme - Level 1 with 20 case studies)
8th to 11th May 2023
11th - 14th September 2023
Venue: Teach Bhríde Holistic Education Centre, Tullow, Co Carlow

LEVEL 3 - Emerging Advance Protocols for complex health conditions. Practitioner Certification (Entry requirement: Completed this Institute's Level 2 Programme and submitted a further 20 case studies)
27th November to 1st December 2023
Venue: Teach Bhríde Holistic Education Centre, Tullow, Co Carlow

For full programme details in Switzerland please see
Level 1 - tbc - 2023
Level 2 - tbc - 2023
Level 3 - tbc - 2023

During this physical, face-to-face training programme you will learn to place magnets on the body in such a way that they send the precise biomagnetic pulse needed to balance the body’s illness-causing microbes. You will communicate with the body in a unique way and thus find accurate answers to the causes of ill health, help your clients achieve freedom from chronic and persistent health conditions and generate a meaningful income by serving the health and wellbeing of others.

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Master Practitioner Certification in Applied Biomagnetic Therapy

Master Practitioner - level 1 - Releasing Trauma and Biological Conflicts - Dates and venue to be confirmed.

During this programme you will learn to place magnets on the body in such a way that they send the precise biomagnetic pulse needed to balance the body’s illness-causing microbes. You will communicate with the body in a unique way and thus find accurate answers to the causes of ill health, help your clients achieve freedom from chronic and persistent health conditions and generate a meaningful income by serving the health and wellbeing of others.

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Intensive Biomagnetic Therapy weekend on Trauma, Biological Conflict and Ancestral Healing

This programme will be run from Friday evening (7pm to 9.30pm) through Saturday and Sunday (9am to 5pm).

Both Ireland and Switzerland 2023 dates to be confirmed.

At its heart this is a personal development programme.  Each participant can expect to identify key trauma points in their lives and do some reflection and self-realising in relation to these.  It also covers ancestral aspects and it is highly likely that as a participant you can get an insight into your own ancestral issues and how they may affect your life.

You may decide to enrol in this programme alone or advance to complete both the Certification Programme and the Masters Programme in Applied Biomagnetic Therapy.


  • To demonstration how biomagnetic therapy works with Trauma, biological conflict and mental well-being issues.
  • To appreciate and understand the root causes of persistent health conditions.
  • To understand how microbes in the body can carry irrational thought forms, disabling beliefs and psychological reversals.
  • To understand how trauma can be stored in the various tissues of the body and how these can be released.

This programme offers an insight to the Practitioner Certification Programme.

Upon successful completion of the programme you will be presented with a Certificate of Completion  


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  • Learn the art of Applied Biomagnetic Therapy

    Train in a revolutionary approach in healing the causes of persistent health conditions through the world’s only Practitioner’s Certification in Applied Biomagnetic Therapy – new Biomagnetism!  A multi-dimensional approach to health and well-being.

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What Previous Participants Say

  • Raymond teaches with clarity and compassion. He incorporates practical sessions within the teaching schedule which makes the use of biomagnetism come alive. I have been privileged to study biomagnetism with Dr Goiz and Dr Ojeda in the US and Raymond’s presentations are on par with these renowned teachers. Plus, he has surpassed them in the practical aspects by ensuring that each student has hands-on experience of the system. On completion you will be confident and competent in using applied biomagnetism with your own clients, friends and family.

    Tomas McSweeney, Biomagnetic Therapist, Ireland

  • Raymond is very open and generous. He has a strong willingness to share his knowledge. Anyone can tell the passion he has when he talks about biomagnetism and healing. We can feel that he truly lives what he teaches. He has influenced me a lot in how I practice biomagnetism today. The fact that he has several decades of experience makes him a very good teacher.

    Elie Gauthey, Geneva, Switzerland

  • Raymond is a teacher with great experience in therapy, channeling and biomagnetism. Although I have professionally practiced biomagnetism for 9 years, I have been able to learn from him the profound functioning of magnets on the body and understand why this works in many pathologies. Raymond has a simple and fun way to convey complex scientific concepts and bring them to the understanding of the neophyte. His approach links disciplines such as anatomy, pathology, microbiology, genetics, quantum physics, neuroscience. With him my practice has deepened and expanded to new applications. I am very happy that it is finally possible to train in Europe at this level of quality.

    Nathanael Therapist, Geneva, Switzerland & Paris, France

  • Having trained with Raymond since 2014 I can say he is the sort of teacher who gets right to the point. Starting from the basics and building up the knowledge and understanding of the student, he teaches from the depth of his resource gained by working with many clients daily over the last 6 years.

    Sherrie Scott, Biomagnetic Practitioner